Monday, January 31, 2011

Menu Plan Monday - Jan 31

Finally January is on the way out. Granted we still have February to get through and we're expecting a big ice storm this week. I'm praying it misses us since I only have 1 day of time off left after maternity leave. We can't afford for schools to be closed. Plus, I'm just over winter. I'm ready for spring.

I've linked up this menu to Menu Plan Monday over at

Sunday: Breakfast skillet burritos and yogurt

Monday: Turkey Goulash and salad

Tuesday: Italian beef and potato chips

Wednesday: Sausage & wild rice soup with grilled cheese

Thursday: Leftovers

Friday: Out to Eat

Saturday: Shake and bake pork chops, couscous, veggie


Miz Helen said...

Your menu for the week looks very good. We would really like your Turkey Goulash. I would like to invite you to bring a dish to my Full Plate Thursday. Thank you for sharing and you have a great week!

shannon said...

Thanks Miz Helen. It turns out the turkey goulash was not good at all. I was very dissapointed. Rachel Ray recipes are usually great. No one liked this one. :(