Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What's Harder to Find than a Good Nursing Bra?

A dress for a wedding that can be nursed in. T is getting married next month. This means I need a new dress for two reasons. 1 - The father of the bride is my pretend hubby. 2 - I'm nursing a baby. I need something fancy enough to fit number 1 and practical enough to fit number 2.

I went with two friends and E to an upscale mall last weekend to hunt for the perfect dress. I figured if this mall didn't have a workable dress I wasn't going to find one. We spent three hours going in every store that may have a suitable dress. Unfortunately I only found three that would even be contenders to try on. These are the two dresses I really wanted, but obviously will not work since I'd rather not go to the bathroom and undress every 2 hours.

All three of the realistic contenders were wrap dresses. One dress was out of stock in my size. One dress was $200 and cute, but not $200 cute. That left dress number three. It was the very first dress I tried on and is from White House Black Market. This is my new favorite store for work clothes I can't afford on a daily basis.
The dress I ended up with isn't very fancy on it's own. It could be worn to work as well, but I got some great jewelry and have some fantastic shoes to dress it up. This is what I ended up with:

So, how did I do? Where have you found good dresses for nursing?

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